Welcome to the Rotary Club of Ajax
Rotary Club of Ajax
Welcome to our Website. Please, take time to explore its various pages. As you read about us, we hope you will get a feel for our passion for Rotary - and for the many service projects we undertake.
The world's first Service Club, Rotary, began with the formation of the Rotary Club of Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A, on February 23, 1905. Paul Harris and three of his business friends in Chicago started this first Rotary Club. Since then, Rotary has grown to embrace over 1.2 million members in over 200 countries world-wide - that's over 31,000 Rotary Clubs, each like ours but each uniquely different - like our Club.
As you get a picture of us from these pages why not join us to find out more? During these pandemic times we meet via Zoom every Thursday at 12:15pm. This would give you a chance to check us out. Who knows? It might also give you a chance to discuss your new membership in the Rotary Club of Ajax!! Please contact our Membership Committee at membership@ajaxrotary.org Once life returns to a more normal state we will resume our weekly in-persons meetings on Thursday same 12:15pm and we'd love to have you join us as our guest! We are in the Rotary Room, Main Branch, Ajax Public Library, Harwood Avenue - on the east side immediately south of Highway 401.
About District 7070Includes 55 Rotary clubs and more than 1,960 members throughout Southern Ontario, Canada. In addition there are Rotaract, Interact and Earlyact clubs. They are dedicated people who share a passion for both community service and friendship. Visit the district page here - Rotary District 7070.
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